When Your Blog Becomes Your Frenemy

So, you've got a blog. Congratulations! You're one of the millions of people who have decided to share their thoughts, ideas, and cat pictures with the world. You've got an editorial calendar, you've scheduled posts weeks in advance, and you're basking in the glory of retweets, praise, and a flood of comments. You're a blogging superstar!

But then, the unthinkable happens. You start to loathe your own blog. The very sight of your dashboard makes you want to hurl your laptop out the window. Your writer's well is drier than a martini at an AA meeting. What do you do?

1. Give Your Blog a Makeover

Ever bought a new pair of running shoes and suddenly felt the urge to run a marathon? Or bought a new car and suddenly your hour-long commute doesn't seem so bad? It's the same with your blog. Give it a new theme, a new look, and suddenly you'll feel the urge to create content that's as fresh and exciting as your new design. It's like giving your blog a facelift, without the botox.

2. Narrow Your Focus

When your blog topics are as random as a box of chocolates, your readers won't know what to expect. One day you're talking about bus stop ads, the next day you're giving a tutorial on how to set up PDFs, and the day after that you're musing about the latest social network. It's like throwing darts blindfolded - you're bound to miss the target. So, narrow your focus. Think of it like giving your readers a roadmap, instead of a wild goose chase.

3. Break the Chains of Daily Publishing

Who said you have to publish daily? That's like expecting to cook a gourmet meal every night. Sure, it's possible, but after a while, you're going to get tired of truffles and want to order a pizza. Write because you can't help it, not because there's a blank post to fill. If the topic is so good that you can imagine giving a speech on it, write it. If not, don't force it. Your readers will thank you.

4. Ship Something Meaningful

Shipping something doesn't mean sending your readers a box of cookies (although that would be nice). It means creating something that evokes pride and passion. Maybe it's a book, a newsletter, or a new product. Whatever it is, let it inspire you and refill your writer's well. Just remember, your blog is not the product, it's the beautiful wrapping paper.

5. Change Your Routine

Want to find new inspiration? Try doing things differently. Take the longer route to the office, try a new coffee brewing method, or read a book in a different genre. It's like shaking up a snow globe - even if it's essentially the same, sometimes you need to stir things up to see a different picture.

6. Change Your Location

Ever tried writing in a dark parking lot while waiting for takeout? No? Well, you should. Changing your writing environment can do wonders for your creativity. So, ditch the noisy coffee shop and find a quiet, undisturbed place where you can focus. Your writing deserves your undivided attention, not the occasional glance between sips of overpriced latte.

7. Read New, Not More

Are you subscribed to a gazillion blogs? Do you have a mountain of unread posts? It's time to do some spring cleaning. Unsubscribe from the blogs that no longer inspire or challenge you and find new ones that do. Remember, it's not about quantity, it's about quality. You're not in a competition to see who can read the most blog posts. You're on a quest for inspiration.

8. Find Your Muse

Who do you write for? Is it your spouse, your best friend, your loyal subscriber, or your future self? Whoever it is, let them be your motivation to keep going when the going gets tough. Keep a picture of them nearby as a reminder. After all, you're not just writing for the sake of writing. You're writing for them.

9. Declare Victory (Or Failure)

When you start a new project, set a goal. How else will you know if you've succeeded or failed? And remember, failure isn't the end of the world. It's just a stepping stone to success. So, don't be afraid to declare victory or failure. Either way, you'll learn something valuable.


So, there you have it. Nine steps to take when you start to loathe your own blog. Remember, it's okay to feel this way. Even the best bloggers hit the loathe-wall from time to time. The key is to not let it stop you. Push through, reignite your passion, and keep blogging. After all, the world needs your cat pictures.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go update my blog. I've been inspired to write a post about the therapeutic benefits of throwing laptops out of windows.